
732 462-4200

30 Mechanic Street
Freehold, NJ 07728


Contact Us

36 Jackson Street

8:30am-4:30pm: (732) 462-1233
After Hours: (732) 462-1234
Emergency 9-1-1

FBPD News and Announcements

Crime Tipline 732-431-0420

Our Philosophy

The number one asset of the Freehold Borough Police Department is its people.  We have exceptional people.

These times have been tough, but we're doing more with less.  Many of our officers wear multiple hats, and all have chipped in to ensure that we continue to move forward.  Our officers have a wide variety of skill sets, and we've tapped just about all of them to meet all the challenges that face us each day.

Law Enforcement has made great strides over the years.  We're much better than we were decades ago, and it shows in reduced crime and a better relationship between police and the community.

Our officers are incredibly proud to serve Freehold Borough.  The Borough is an incredible town with rich history, tremendous pride, and a sense of community very few other towns will ever know.  It shows in our parades, our little league games, and our festivals.

We keep these traits in mind each day as serve and always try to take great care of those who live, work, and visit our wonderful town.

Our philosophy is about achieving the sometimes difficult balance between the always competing interests of enforcing the law, rendering assistance, and problem solving. 

We accomplish this by deploying teams of seasoned, knowledgeable and caring men and women onto our streets each day who, not only represent our established core values, but define them even further

Our philosophy is our motto:  The Highest Level of Service.

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